Two teens killed in White County wreck

White County is reeling today after the discovery of a wreck that killed two teenagers. Operator Richard Corn with the Georgia State Patrol post in Gainesville says the two were found dead in a submerged vehicle in Town Creek by a passerby around 10:15 this morning.

According to WRWH Radio news, White County Deputy Coroner Josh Barrett identified the victims as 18-year old Taylor Scott Swing and 16-year old Cecily Hamilton, both of Cleveland. Barrett said, “Preliminary investigation, it’s going to be ruled a drowning at this point, there’s no physical signs of any other injuries other than that.”

Corn says the investigation shows the car was traveling north on Gene Nix Road west of Cleveland when it exited the west shoulder of the road and traveled down a large embankment. The car was found upside down and submerged. “Seatbelt use was undefined due to the final position,” he adds. Investigators aren’t sure when the wreck happened. Swing was identified as the driver of the car. He and Hamilton were both pronounced dead at the scene.

Both were students at White County High School. White County School Superintendent Dr. Jeff Wilson says a crisis management team will be meeting Monday morning to plan their actions. He says extra counselors will be on hand at White County High School Monday to take care of the students.

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