Two SPLOST VI meetings left

If you want to learn more about Habersham County’s SPLOST VI referendum before you head to the polls next month then mark your calendars now. Two more public meetings are scheduled before the November 4 vote. A town hall meeting will be held in Tallulah Falls tomorrow, Thursday, October 9, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall and a public forum is scheduled for Tuesday, October 14, at 6 p.m., at the Torch Worship Center located at 800 Cannon Bridge Road in Demorest.

The proposed penny-on-the-dollar tax would be in effect for six years and would raise revenue to fund a wide range of county and municipal projects. A SPLOST VI oversight committee is being appointed to monitor SPLOST VI collections and disbursements. While the committee will not have any authority over SPLOST VI fund management, it will report back to the community through local media twice a year to inform the public about how much money is raised and where the money is spent.

For details on SPLOST VI projects watch the above video and visit the Habersham County Chamber of Commerce website.