Tired of the debates already? The negative comments? The confusion – whose right – whose wrong? You guessed it! It’s an election year and the stakes couldn’t be higher. More and more, I am hearing excuses why people don’t feel they should vote; however, in actuality, your vote does matter and can make or break your future.
Top Five LAME Reasons NOT to Vote
5. I forgot to register to vote. With a valid Driver’s License or Identification Card, you can register on-line https://www.dmv.org/ga-georgia/voter-registration.php . Or visit https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do for instructions on where to mail your Georgia Registration Application. This webpage also includes important dates for voting which leads me to the next excuse…
4. I never remember what day they’re voting. Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The Presidential Preference Primary and Special Elections date is March 1, 2016 . https://elections.mytimetovote.com/dates/georgia.html
3. I can’t take off work. Don’t think so. It couldn’t be easier to vote in today’s world – polls open at 7:00am and close at 7:00pm. There is early voting and voting by Absentee Ballot.
2. I’m not informed. Fingertips. In less than 5 seconds, you can access information anywhere and get answers to any question you ask. If you are not informed, you are not of this world.
1. My vote doesn’t count. This is the one time in the United States that everyone is equal – ONE vote per person – WEIGHTED equally. Yes – You and Bill Gates, net worth 79.2 Billion dollars, are one and the same. When do you get that chance?
Top Five Reasons to Vote:
5. It’s your money. Government works for us. I think sometimes we forget that and often, politicians forget it too, but we are the boss. Would you pay someone you had no say in employing? Probably not. Your vote is your say in who works for you.
4. You have to live with the consequences. Bad choices in government stem from the people not reflecting what our desires are. Voting is our voice. Voting determines the direction of the country. You really can’t complain if you don’t cast a vote.
3. If your voting privilege were taken away, you’d wish you had it back. People who live without the ability to vote cannot understand the nonchalant, irresponsible attitude many display in choosing not to vote. If you couldn’t vote, you’d want to vote. So, why not vote simply because you have the right to do so and many people in this world do not.
2. It’s your health care, job, social security, roadways, education, and future. Everything hinges on your vote. Our government makes decisions which impact our lives. It’s all about you, so why wouldn’t you cast a vote?
1.Freedom. Should I say it again? Freedom. People have died to give us the freedoms we have. If for no other reason, vote in memory of them.
Take time to listen to the candidates. Understand their view of particular issues that impact your life. Make the best choice for you.