My husband is a Bee Keeper; and now, I am officially as well. He made me a Top Bar hive with a window so I can watch them build their combs and grow honey. I never really thought about bees. Never really cared to even be around them. And certainly, didn’t care to be near them; but, my attitudes are changing. One of God’s greatest gifts to us is life lessons through other creatures and nature.
What I’ve learned from my Bees…
1) The Great Communicators. Through body vibrations and pheromones, bees are capable of transferring complex messages around the colony. The key to a productive hive is communications. There are no lies or manipulations. Disagreements do not occur. Bees know community matters. They share truthful, productive information with one another. (I don’t think you’ll hear, “Did you see what Beverly was wearing the other day? Who does she think she is – a drone?)
2) Loyalty. The behavior of a bee exemplifies loyalty to one another. Betrayal does not occur in the hive. Everything a bee does is for the betterment of the hive. There is a duty to the hive. A bee will sacrifice his/her life without a moments hesitation to save the whole of the community. Family matters. It’s not about the individual.
3) Savings first. Bees do not live pay-check to pay-check. If the hive is full of honey, they’ll find a corner for more. Bees do not live outside their means and they understand consumption and need. They work hard when they need to work hard and rest when they need to rest. Bees are not selfish, either. It isn’t “ever bee for himself.” Bees care for the needs of the hive.
4) Carry the load together. Bees know how to pull together. For such small beings, bees can carry large loads together, and they do. Together, bees can make 50 to 90 pounds of honey and create beautiful combs. There’s never a lone bee trying to break out on his own or cause dissension. Bees understand the old saying, “Many hands make light work.”
5) Know their purpose. Bees understand their purpose and are happy to fulfill it every day. From birth to death, bees understand who they are; who they were created to be; what their purpose is in the hive; and the joy in fulfilling that purpose.
6) Environmentalist. Bees understand the importance of the environment. Without bees, agriculture as we know it would cease to exist. Bees are essential to the plant growth, and therefore, our food consumption. Statistically, 1/3 of our global food supply comes through the pollination of bees. Unfortunately, the widespread use of pesticides is having a negative impact on the honeybee population.
7) Belief. Bees trust one another. They cover for one another. Protect one another. Give their all for one another. And respect the Queen. A bee has no doubt that the job will get done as long as they all pull together.
The next time you hear that Buzzzzzzzzzzz around your ear, think twice before you swat at it. You just might learn a thing or two from one of God’s amazing creations.