Through The Eyes of a Lion

I love reading. I dislike very much that I do not have the time to read as much as I’d like.

Last week, a friend recommended Through The Eyes of a Lion to me. For two days, every moment I had, I took in the words. The author, Levi Lusko is the pastor of Fresh Life Church in Montana. He is the father of 4 daughters, one of whom is in Heaven. The book is about living after tragedy. It is not necessarily a manual for handling grief, but an instrument for moving forward. It is about turning what was meant to harm you into a “roar story.”

Every day I talk to people struggling just to take another step. Life has tossed them around wildly. Some feel lost and alone. Some feel deserted by God. Some feel life isn’t worth living.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Whether you are facing adversity now and wondering how to walk through it or you need preparation for adversity (let’s face it, it isn’t if problems and struggles are going to happen, it is when they are going to happen), this book will help.

Hurting hurts no matter what. When we are given the tools to endure and find hope, it doesn’t lessen the hurt but it enables us to manage and find resolve.

Nora’s Notes gives this book = for Time worthiness

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