Tyler Wilbanks attends the HEMC business meeting after some face painting fun during the local cooperative’s annual meeting in Mt. Airy on July 23.
HEMC holds Annual Meeting in Mt. Airy
More than two thousand people turned out Thursday for Habersham Electric Membership Corporation’s 77th Annual Membership Meeting. It was held at Habersham Ninth Grade Academy – formerly the home of Habersham Central High School. Nearly 2,200 people of all ages attended, and there were activities for them all.
Before the business meeting, the auditorium was the site of concerts by gospel groups The Farrows and The Nelons. Children had a special area where they could have their faces painted, they could play on inflatable “bouncy” toys or ask for specially made balloon animals. Teens had their special area, too – a room with video and other games. There also was barbecue for everyone.
Members voted on HEMC directors. Jeff Ferguson, George Fry, and Kenneth McEntire were elected to serve three-year terms on the Board of Directors. Officers for the board will be Rick Wood, Chairman, George Fry, Vice-Chairman, and Jeff Ferguson, Secretary-Treasurer.
There were exhibit booths in the lobby, displaying member services provided by employees, such as the How$mart Program, Electric Vehicles, Green Power EMC, Power Guard Security and Trailwave Fiber Optic Service. At the safety booth, Jason Rothell, Safety and Loss Control Coordinator announced that one day before, HEMC had reached a landmark accomplishment. On that day, he said, the company reached “four years with no lost time accidents.” That was an accomplishment, he said, since “we have workers handling 7,200 volts daily, “ there are linemen working “in bucket trucks” and other workers must avoid the right-of-way “when trees fall on power lines,” he said.
In addition, visitors could find information about the Washington Youth Tour Program, an opportunity for eleventh graders to be chosen by HEMC for a tour of Washington, DC. The winners of this year’s tour from Habersham, Sinead O’Bryant and Amiee Partin, led the Pledge of Allegiance during the program.
HEMC Chairman/CEO Jonathan Cantrell said of HEMC “that it’s like family. We work for our members instead of stockholders.” Cantrell also spoke of a not-so-well-known department the Trailwave Fiber Optic Service. That department is in the long-term process of extending fiber optic cable that can provide high speed Internet connections as well as telephone service, he said. At this time, he added, all Habersham, Rabun, and White County school systems use the services, as well as some businesses and homes – within the area that the cable exists. He said that information about those services is available on HEMC’s Web site.
In addition to election return announcements, entertainment, a meal and a business meeting, the evening also held door prize drawings. It was announced by employee David Foster that there were 58 prizes to be awarded. They included $25 and $50 gift certificates for area businesses as well as cash awards, but there was one grand prize winner.
Habersham resident Talford Bowen was the Grand Prize recipient. He and his wife Elsie now own the grand prize credit of $500 on an electric bill.
HEMC’s Family Album
July 23, 2015