Thor: Ragnarok is easily the best of the three Thor movies. It has a refreshing energy level, a playful sense of humor throughout even if it does get a little too repetitive at times and it also has just enough narrative heft with a few surprises thrown in for good measure.
Chris Hemsworth returns as the mighty God of Thunder who’s been searching for the Infinity Stones and suddenly he comes back home to Asgard and reuniting with his mischievous brother, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and together they set out to find their father, Odin (Anthony Hopkins). Odin warns both that their sister, Hela (Cate Blanchett) has been imprisoned due to her selfish nature and now she will soon be unleashed creating the apocalyptic event known as Ragnarok.
Thor and Loki have to travel to a distant planet in order to get help and they encounter an eccentric ruler known as the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum). He’s then forced to compete in a gladiatorial style fight against the Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo). His alter ego, Bruce Banner, has not been seen since the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron. Their fight sequence does work in some clever dialogue and is a rousing spectacle that rivaled the battle between Iron Man and Captain America in Civil War.
Hemsworth does another fine job as the God of Thunder and Hiddleston is once again funny yet he adds an intriguing dimension to his character that hasn’t been seen in previous Marvel films. As for the new additions, Blanchett is deliciously seductive and lethal and Goldblum turns in some solid work as well.
At times, it might be a little too self-conscious with its humor but Ragnarok will not disappoint the MCU fans and hints at more exciting developments for this series.