![Josey Butcher](https://nowhabersham.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Josey-Butcher.png)
If you have ever participated in “the wave” at a sporting event, you know the allure. You can see it coming around the stadium, making its way closer to you. You start to think about jumping up and yelling at the exact moment that those around you do the same thing. There is a contagious excitement, enthusiasm, and anticipation as the moment gets closer.
As Christians, our calling is to proclaim the Gospel to the nations. We are called to tell others the Good News and to create a wave, a chain reaction, a movement. It is hard for me to imagine what Pentecost might have been like. The confusion, anticipation, fear for some, and excitement for others. The Bible explains this miraculous encounter of the Holy Spirit with beautifully descriptive language in Acts 2:
“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”
The impact of this encounter is exponential. In this moment, the church is born. Following this encounter at Pentecost, Peter addresses the onlookers. Peter quotes Old Testament prophecies, which foreshadow the events that just took place as evidence that Jesus is the Son of God. The people are amazed, and they begin to believe. They begin meeting, breaking bread, and fellowshipping together with other believers. Thus, a wave is created. There is energy, excitement, and anticipation as the Lord “added to their numbers daily” (Acts 2: 47).
Though many years have passed, the wave is still alive. The old church started a movement and set in motion the call to spread the word of Jesus Christ and invite others to stand up and join the movement. Although our culture looks different, that same sense of anticipation and enthusiasm is alive today if we will allow the Holy Spirit to move within us.
Now imagine that in the moment that when the wave gets to you, you choose to remain seated, silent, and uninvolved. Eventually, more and more people start to make the same choice, and the wave slows down. You can see around the perimeter of the stadium the wave weakening, and, eventually, it is no more.
And so it is with the spreading of the Gospel.
Many people have taken a seat out of fear, fatigue, apathy, and other emotions. We must make the choice to pursue Jesus, even if it means certain danger.
2 Chronicles 16:9 says the Lord’s eyes search throughout the earth looking to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. Remain in Him, and He will strengthen you. Keep the energy, the enthusiasm, and most importantly, the faith, for there will be a reward for your faithfulness to the movement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.