The story in the storm

As we wait, wonder, and watch for Hurricane Helene to come, send your stories in the storm to [email protected].

What are you doing as you wait?

Are you anxious?

Do you have power?

How did you prepare?

Also, send pictures and I will share them with our readers.

Stay safe and dry. I look forward to hearing from you.

A convoy of ambulances follows a convoy of lineman trucks. Interstate 10 from Pensacola, FL. (Richard Andres)

Amber Gilbert: I plan to do FB lives during it! LOL

Gaylon Palmer: My vacation home is in Lanark. I’m sure I’ll get some pics.

Marsheila Bush-Rhodes: I’m 70 miles to the right of Cedar Key, FL. We are getting 80 mph winds now. It’s going to be a long night! Prayers from Florida to Georgia.

Ann Randall Reese: I’m concerned! All my siblings and their families live in southwest GA and I just have to trust God to see them all through this storm! I’m concerned for all of us in other parts of GA possibly in the eye of the storm. Our God is in control.

Debbie Freeman: It’s going to come right over me. I’m scared to death! The dogs and I will be hunkering down in my bedroom closet.

Sandy Wyatt Cox: I hate wind. Because we have so many trees in our yard we are going to the church.

Stephanie Miller: I am not nervous for us, but I am for my children and grands and friends who are scared. I have always been a storm lover and sleep best when it rages, but I don’t like being without power. My thoughts are that to be afraid is to not have faith. We do have a lot of huge 60-plus-year-old pines all around our house that I am praying stay strong.

Roxie Barron: Sarasota. Got slammed, (and continuing to get slammed) with storm surge. Monster storm.

Katie Dixon: Middle Georgia is calm again…some gusts but nothing crazy at the moment.

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