The original Secret Life of Pets made about $875 million worldwide which is pretty much the only reason why we got this sequel. Oh, and it was cute and entertaining enough.
However, I can’t say the same for this sequel which feels overstuffed with too many characters and too many subplots and yet it still feels bland and tiresome.
The majority of the four-legged critters from the original have returned minus the replacement of Patton Oswalt filling in for Louis C.K.as Max, the Jack Russell terrier.
His owner Katie is now married and together they have a boy and he feels the need to protect him at all costs. The family goes together on vacation to visit some farmer relatives and Max gets introduced to their sarcastic sheepdog, Rooster (Harrison Ford).
While Rooster is busy trying to boost Max’s self-confidence, the other animals are engaging in their own adventures such as Kevin Hart’s rabbit Snowball thinking he’s a superhero by trying to save a white tiger from an evil circus owner and partnering up with a Shih Tzu (Tiffany Haddish).
Other subplots involve other cats and dogs rushing hither and yon to the point of functioning like a pinball machine crossed with a kid who has an extreme sugar rush. Once one plot ends, another begins and after awhile we as the audience just want the movie to slow down.
There are a few sight gags that work, but they’re too brief and the climax is such a stretch that its only purpose is to pad the film’s runtime of 86 minutes.
Kids might find it to be a marginally entertaining diversion and adults who don’t have too many expectations will find it cute and predictable.
As for me, if there’s going to be a third, I hope the script doesn’t pack nearly as much catnip.