Lately problems are multiplying in our country with the election going on and the shootings resulting in several deaths of citizens and policemen. The violence that flared in Europe with an airport bombing and the crash of an airliner in the Mediterranean Sea arises suddenly in our country with shootings of citizens and police. What next? Thoughtful persons should expect even worse if we continue to go astray. There is cause for deep concern as unity and leadership seem lacking. The direct attack upon law officers is particularly disturbing as our nation of freedom, peace and order requires obedience to law.
I have some books on American history and in reading about the formation of the Constitution and laws one sees that in order for peace and prosperity to flourish there must be respect for the law and obedience to it. The framers of our form of representative republic knew that future attacks would come and warned about the need for thorough education for our youth regarding our form of government and respect for law and order. Some also wrote for posterity that our unique republic required the principles and knowledge of God.
Since the close of WW II more and more local control of education has been withdrawn from citizens and states while remote, unseen bureaucrats gather power to the federal level. Today open abuse or ignoring of the Constitution is occurring among the highest officials and citizens. Perhaps most troublesome is the Supreme Court judges have begun to re-interpret the laws, changing the original meanings, and in effect are undermining the Constitution and rule of law in America.
When individuals running for high office flaunt the law and are given special pass by our leaders and political parties we are in serious trouble. The double standard will quickly sow disrespect and lead to civil disobedience. In fact, it appears that the law is now interpreted differently for someone running for high office so that person can violate the law and yet get elected while citizens in general are required to obey the law. It appears also that the party is more important than the law, truth, and honor. These attacks on the rule of law can quickly turn our nation into a lawless nation.
The United States grew and waxed great in following the Constitution. Even civil war, depressions, and world wars were overcome. Right now this country has great riches and power, and the troubled world needs our bright light to shine. It must have wise leadership and citizens willing to unite and support the leaders who follow the right principles and unite the people.