The Mummy is not just another rehash of one of Universal’s most beloved monster franchises; instead it’s the hopeful first installment of the studio’s attempt at creating their Dark Universe franchise. If this movie is any indication, Universal has a long way to go. A really long way.
Tom Cruise stars as Nick Morton, an explorer who stumbles upon the ruins of an ancient Egyptian tomb that contains the remains of a princess (Sofia Boutella) who was cursed thousands of years ago after killing her own family when her father had a new son next in line to her throne.
Cruise receives assistance from the likes of a special organization dedicated to studying and exterminating supernatural creatures. Annabelle Wallis plays his partner-in-crime and Jake Johnson is his best buddy who succumbs to the mummy’s curse that leaves him undead.
Russell Crowe costars as a doctor of sorts and the head of the organization who may have abilities that bring out his darker nature. I won’t reveal his character’s name, but if you’ve been online and found out any and all spoilers, you know who he is and how he ties into this Universe.
For my money, it’s too dull to take seriously and even when it’s at a frenetic pace, it’s still dull and lifeless as a mummy. At 54, Cruise is still great when performing stunts and action, but not even that can save a script that is saddled with an inconsistent tone, shoddy CGI, and a visual aesthetic that is photographed in such a murky style.
The one and only bright spot happens to be Crowe. His character is mildly amusing even when hamming it up in a couple of scenes and there is a moment where he and Cruise go toe to toe. It’s the most fun the movie gets out of its two-hour running time.
I’m sure there will be bigger bombs this summer, but for now, this clunker is currently the most disappointing. I think this movie should’ve stayed buried until Universal was ready to unleash something better and more exciting.