“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” Psalm 5:11
My sweet daughter-in-law stopped by yesterday with my adorable grandchildren for us to go to lunch. Over the past few years, I have grown to love her and my stepson tremendously, not to mention the unbelievable love I have for my two grandchildren.
The relationship isn’t ordinary, to say the least. It comes from a road of brokenness on all our sides – hers, mine, my stepson’s, and my husband’s – but as we eat lunch together and laugh about the children and make plans, no one would ever know. My grandchildren certainly don’t know. To them, to her, and to me, it is simply the moment that matters. The now.
I love the manner in which she accepts people – all people – with such a love for Jesus Christ within her that it resonates from her very being. And because I know her history, I admire her even more.
I call them “my moments” – times when life stops; times when protective parameters are in place; times when all seems right with the world. In those moments I rejoice for simply being happy, laughing, communicating, feeling loved. Years ago I realized the need to stop worrying about the people who didn’t want me in their life and start celebrating the people who do. There are times when we are called out of our comfort zones into realms we’d probably prefer to be elsewhere; all the more reason to relish the comfortable feeling of belonging. And in these moments, I find the energy and love to keep moving forward.
What are your moments – those which bring such joy you are overflowing? Whether they are 5 minutes of love from your sweet pet, gardening, lunch with a friend, or even a quiet time on your front porch, take them in and tuck them away in your heart – your reserves for times when things aren’t friendly and loving.
As I left our lunch, I took a deep breath in of love oxygen and tucked “my moment” away, recognizing the sweetness of God, the wonderful people in my life, the celebration of peace, and the sense of belonging.