OK – so maybe you aren’t superstitious, but New Year’s Day brings with it a traditional dinner which can – possibly – bring you a prosperous New Year.
- Pork
Have you ever watched a pig rooting? Their little snouts or not-so-little snouts move forward across the ground finding treasures in the dirt to eat. Such is the notion behind eating pork on New Year’s Day. It signifies the ability to move forward – to make progress in the coming year. It takes courage to take a step into something new or venture out into the unknown. Just think of the pig-rooting and pushing forward. Add pork to the menu for “progress” or “possibilities” in the coming new year.
2. Grapes
Grapes bring good luck. My grandmother used to say, “One for every month.” In some countries, people eat 12 grapes at midnight. A key nutrient in grapes is Resveratrol, which is known to offer health benefits. Grapes are also a good source of fiber and potassium, and have a range of vitamins and other minerals.
3. Collard Greens or Turnip Greens
Green, green, green. You can probably guess – MONEY! A big helping of one of these greens will make you wealthy and also healthy. Adding hot sauce will not only bring money but a new career or promotion. These greens are high in nutrients, such as vitamin K, vitamin A, and calcium, and low in calories.
4. Circular-type dessert
Maybe a cake or a cookie. Like a lucky coin, the circle signifies completion. Something you’ve wanted to do – write a book, build a house, paint a painting, landscape a garden – the circular dessert will ensure you will do just that this year.
5. Black-eyed peas and cornbread
Cornbread is for gold or purity. Some people look at it literally as gold coins or purity of heart. Cornbread keeps you honest throughout the year. Black-eyed peas are for luck. Grab an extra helping to be on the safe side of Lady Luck.
6. Noodles
You will enjoy a long life – if you can eat the entire noodle without breaking it. There are even noodles made just for the occasion. “Longevity Noodles” are a favorite in the Chinese tradition. Used at birthdays, weddings, and celebrations, longevity noodles are fun. The idea is to eat the entire noodle without breaking it. (Just don’t choke!)
7. Rice
This symbolizes fertility and wealth. A key nutrient in rice is Selenium which is a component of antioxidant enzymes. It is used by the body to help support thyroid health. Fundamentally, thyroid health is beneficial in fertility health and future pregnancy. And when you add wealth, eat enough rice and you can be pregnant and wealthy!
8. Fish
Looking for a spouse? Fish symbolize many fish in the sea. Maybe this will be the year you find your significant other. Enjoy some halibut or tilapia on New Year’s Day. Who knows, it could be just the “bite” that makes your life complete.
9. Pomegranates
In Greece, pomegranates are tossed on the floor to symbolize the release of a flood of seeds which brings life and abundance. In other cultures, eating pomegranate seeds offers the same – abundance in life.
10. Olives
Eating olives on New Year’s Day promises happiness. Olives contain polyphenols, a natural chemical that reduces oxidative stress in the brain. And who doesn’t want a huge dose of that?
Add these traditional foods to your New Year’s Day celebration dinner and see what could possibly happen in 2024!