The Henson Family has a new home

The Henson Family with house number 78 to call their own. (Brian Young/Habitat for Humanity of Northeast Georgia)

It is house number 78 for Habitat for Humanity of Northeast Georgia. The dedication and ceremony will be on August 25 starting at 2 p.m. on 136 Carriage Lane in Clarkesville, Georgia.

All important details, but, for Jenny and Matt Henson, it is so much more.

The Hensons wanted to be homeowners for a long time but nothing ever seemed to work out for them. “We hit so many roadblocks. We needed more space and we wanted a place for us and our children to call our own,” Jenny and Matt Henson said.

Going through the process

The Hensons were put in contact with Habitat for Humanity of Northeast Georgia and the rest, as they say, is history.

Sweat equity hours are a requirement of Habitat for Humanity. Jenny is in the middle with volunteers. (Brian Young/Habitat for Humanity of Northeast Georgia)

Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity of Northeast Georgia Brian Young talked about the excitement he shares with the Hensons. “We are looking forward to this celebration on Saturday, August 25. As a Partner Family, the Hensons have put so much time (300 sweat hours) into the completion of their new home and we couldn’t be happier for them.”

Jenny and Matt Henson described their favorite part about belonging as a Partner Family. Getting to know everyone who is involved with Northeast Georgia Habitat has been an amazing experience for them.

Sweat equity hours

“Words can’t explain how special and exciting working on your own home is! We learned so many new skills in the process. Working with the other volunteers and others from the community has been such a blessing. These volunteers put heart and soul into what they do,” the Hensons said.

Best wishes, scriptures, and quotes are written on the foundation and 2 x 4s of the home by volunteers. (Brian Young/Habitat for Humanity of Northeast Georgia)

They want to encourage anyone to join and become a part of the Partner Family Program.  “It may seem like a lot to process at first but it is worth it all. You will not walk through this journey alone.”

The Hensons plan to continue to be an active member of the Partner Family Program. They would like to become a mentor to other partner families.

Becoming a mentor

“We want to help mentor other families and help in building other homes. Working on our own home, knowing our time and energy were put in combined with working with these amazing volunteers and learning a little about them along the way has been absolutely remarkable!”

Come and celebrate their new home with Habitat for Humanity of Northeast Georgia on August 25, at 2 p.m. located at 136 Carriage Lane in Clarkesville.


Habitat for Humanity unveils the Carpenter’s Club

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