Boy, howdy, did we need the holidays! After November 5th, we required a much-needed break from politics. In the past few years, the news channels, the internet, conversations, and conjectures have attempted to scramble our brains and down our spirits. We went through a battle that produced unseen scars and little apparent healing.
Kindness has often taken a backseat, and the internet has become a platform for entertainment at the expense of others through bullying. Many of us have lost our way. Taking sides has become more important than being a good civil citizen. Following a conspiracy often seemed more credible than the truth, and our political views took precedence over how God views us.
I have no idea what will happen in the world in the following months or years, but we should all bow our heads, ask the Lord for forgiveness, and be thankful for His love. Let us ask Him to lead us on a peaceful path to tomorrow:
You came to teach us God’s grace and magnificence over 2024 years ago. Although you lived a mere 33 years on Earth, many of us need a reminder that you are still with us.
I told my minister one day that I felt you had walked away and left us to live on our own. Our division and anger were turning our backs on you.
The way we often belittle others, the judgmental behavior of those we perceive as different, and our selfish ways were enough to cause you to throw up your hands, go to Heaven, and lay in a hammock. I couldn’t blame you because that is what I would have done!
Aah! But then I remembered that you don’t give up; you just forgive. On the cross where you suffered such horror for us, you looked at the crowd below and uttered, “God, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Yep, much of the time, we still don’t.
I mean, Jesus, how many times have you put me in a corner because I was foolish, sinful, and filled with contempt? Do you need a calculator to figure the total?
It is your birthday around here. We don’t know exactly when you were born, but we have enough faith to know it was a big event. That night in Bethlehem, God gave us the gift of mercy, hope, and a personal relationship with you. What good news to know we have second, third, and countless chances to clean up our act and embrace your mighty spirit.
You always told me to trust you, to listen to you, and to put you first in my heart above all things. And when I don’t, you see me suffer. You see every person’s despair when we know not what we do.
Some folks say, “If God exists, why do bad things happen?” I’ve always thought that was funny because I was told our existence here was to find the pathway to paradise. I knew it wouldn’t be a freeway, and GPS wouldn’t show us the route. You were the only way to reach the place where sorrow and discord do not exist. You were the only path to peace.
Yes, your birth was a monumental occasion. Every Christmas Eve, before your big day, I bake you a cake with candles. The kids tell me what cake they want each year to celebrate you. They all think you like Red Velvet the best, so I must compile my ingredients each year.
However, more than anything, I know you desire more love, kindness, contrition, and faith from us all.
Please forgive us for our sinful behavior, especially after this crazy year. Help us remind others that faith can only grow if it is seen. Compassion and healing can only increase if they are shared. And love for you can be spread only if we exhibit such adoration in our actions.
Help us to change for the better, for the good of all, and remember you were born for us. Not just Americans, not just those who are churchgoers, and not just those who follow the rules. You don’t exist only for those who do good deeds but for the sinner, the poor, the sick, the suffering, the loner, and the forgotten.
I call you my best friend, and I turn to you not only when I stumble but also when I stand tall. Please tell your father I appreciate Him sending you to treasure and guide us to tomorrow.
What a gift you gave us on that star-filled night in Bethlehem! Let us celebrate this season of joy, forgiveness, hope, and understanding and carry the spirit of Christmas in our hearts throughout the years ahead.
I Love you.