That Which Ensnares You…

What weakness threatens to trip you up at a critical moment in your life? We all have one – that Achilles’ heel – that annoying character flaw which causes us to grimace our teeth and plant our face in the palm of our hands.

Maybe it’s anger or tactlessness. Maybe it’s forgetfulness or rudeness. Maybe it’s a control issue or a flapping tongue.  Whatever it is – you’re in good company.

The people of the Bible had issues too! For Peter it was impulsiveness. Abraham was manipulative. Jacob lied. Moses had a temper. Thomas struggled with doubt.

Hebrews 12:1, “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

The problem is, what ensnares you? What weaknesses catch you every time? What is keeping you from running the race God has set before you?

My son is a runner. He’s been running since I entered him in his first race at the age of 5. I remember worrying that he’d be able to follow the course, so I told him to simply follow the police car. I stood at the finish line, my eye fixed on the turn at the bottom of the hill. I heard the cheering before I realized it was him. The first one. The lead runner. He’d thrown off his shirt and taken off his shoes somewhere and was running just about as fast as I’d ever seen him run.

We need to throw off the issues that inhibit us from running as fast as we can. We need to put aside the sins that trip us up and make it difficult to do what God has called us to do.

Today, talk with God about the things in your life which prevent you from running your best race.