Cross Roads Cafe, at the corner of Hwy.115 and Habersham Mills Road, is a great place to eat for that “grandma’s kitchen” feeling. It is one of my favorites and a weekly choice. Yesterday, I took my normal table and watched as Mimi poured my coffee and chatted about the day. As I waited for my steaming hot oatmeal and hash browns, the brass caught my eye – a table of decorated officers- badges and all.
It wasn’t the uniforms, although impressive and intimating, nor the amount of food on the table before them. What caught my eye, was their heads; all bowed in reverent praise and thankfulness.
I couldn’t help but stare. Such muscle, such authority, such intimidation; and yet, before anyone of them picked up a fork, they knew Who to answer to.
I felt compelled to thank the Lord as well; not so much for the food, (although that would come), but for living in a community where officers sought God before all else.