Musicians from Tallulah Falls School’s middle school and upper school combined for an evening of beautiful music as TFS students performed in their annual Spring concert. The renowned TFS handbell ringers and the middle and upper school choruses alternated sets before an overflow crowd in the school’s Norwood Key Taylor chapel for the March 24 twilight concert. The TFS upper school music program is under the direction of Curt Frederick, and the middle school music program and upper school chorus are under the direction of Glenda Franklin.
The TFS Ringers performed a wide variety of well-known selections including You Raise Me Up, For the Beauty of the Earth, Canon in D, Through the Eyes of Love, and Soon and Very Soon. The TFS Ringers include Reagan Bates, Kelly Choi, Georgia Durand, Jerry Hou, Jason Lin, Ryan Long, Benjamin Shabat, Carrie Zhao and Penni Zhu.
The TFS middle school chorus performed beautiful versions of Riversong, The Water Is Wide, and A Great Big Sea. Seventh graders participating in the middle school chorus are Sophie Alexander, Timothy Brent, Carrie Durand, Maggie Eavenson, Thomas Harris, Luke Johnson, Reid Kafsky, Taylor McAvoy, Joshua Shanks and Blaine Taylor. Eight grade members of the chorus include Clarke Bailey, Eva Fang, Charlie Gu, Sebastian Herrera, Cynthia Jackson, Sophia Kahwach, Madeline McClurg, Jade Mitchell, Mary Ellen Smith, Sydney Spivey, Olivia Tarr and Trinity Townsend.
The high school chorus, The Tallulah Falls Singers, performed Send Down the Rain, Bridge Over Troubled Water, and The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls. The TFS Singers include Gaby Ajibade, Reece Bates, Josh Brown, Jansen Cain, Anna David, Jenifer Kulow, Joseph Lancaster, Julian Murayama, Crystina Ou, Kayley Pugh, Caitlin Ray, Tori Sesam, Dylan Truong, Garbo Wu, Tim Zhang and Carrie Zhao.
The final two selections of the evening featured the combined middle and upper school choruses. The performance was somewhat challenging as both choruses spent the last few weeks practicing these songs separately, and the evening’s public performance was the first time they had sung the songs together. The combined choruses performed Cry Me A River and concluded the concert with The Little Mermaid Medley (Fathoms Below, Park of Your World, Kiss the Girl and Under the Sea).