Grandparents attended class with Tallulah Falls School middle school students as part of the school’s annual Grandparents Day. Shown, from left, Joey Dekoskie, an eighth grader with grandparents Phyllis and Ed Ross, all of Clarkesville.
Tallulah Falls – It was time to head back to school for a group of more than 150 grandparents Wednesday at Tallulah Falls School.
The enthusiastic group arrived early for what has become a favorite day on the school calendar for both students and grandparents.
After a welcome from David Chester, middle school academic dean, the special guests heard about the school’s annual fund from Dr. Judy Forbes, who along with her husband Bruce, are helping to chair this year’s campaign. The group also was treated to a concert by the middle school chorus. Remarks from Larry A. Peevy, president and head of school, offered an update on the school’s continued growth. Grandparents then attended class for part of third period.
This year’s event marked the largest to date, said Stuart Miller, director of development for the school.
“Grandparents Day is one of my favorite days of the school year,” Miller said. “The event continues to grow each year and today we had more than 150 grandparents join us for the festivities. It was clear the students were as excited to have their “grands” visiting them at school as their grandparents were to be there.”