TFS Christmas card, door decoration contest winners announced

A spirited take on the theme of 2020 - "We're All In This Together" - greets visitors on the door to Kim McClurg's classroom at Tallulah Falls School. This was among the entries in the school's door decorating contest. (E. Lane Gresham/Tallulah Falls School)

Walk through a school building during December and you’re bound to feel the spirit of Christmas. Young students eagerly anticipate Santa’s arrival while older students and teachers eagerly eye Christmas break.

Hannah Satterfield’s class won 1st prize with its depiction of a “Coca-Cola Christmas.” (E. Lane Gresham/Tallulah Falls School)

Students and faculty at Tallulah Falls School channeled their excitement and enthusiasm for the holidays into impressive, fun art displays. The school held a door decorating contest. Winners were announced during a recent virtual assembly and prizes were presented by the General Federation of Women’s Clubs-Georgia TFS State Co-Chair Martha Lee Sherman.

First place in the door decorating contest went to Hannah Satterfield’s class, second-place honors went to Jane Shoemaker’s class and third-place went to Nancy Almoyan’s class. There were two honorable mentions – Heather Henriques and Kim McClurg.

Members of the Stone Mountain Woman’s Club visited TFS recently to judge the door decor.
The judges for the Christmas Door Decorating Contest are from Stone Mountain Woman’s Club: Barbara Luton, Nelda Lunsford, and Shari Carter.

The award money for the door decoration contest was donated by GFWC Gainesville Phoenix Woman’s Club and GFWC Stone Mountain Woman’s Club.

Christmas card art contest winners announced

Tallulah Falls School also recently announced the winners of its annual Christmas card art contest. The winning card for the upper school was designed by junior Macy Murdock of Carnesville with the winning card for the middle school card designed by seventh-grader Isabella McClain of Toccoa.

Second place for the middle school card contest was eighth-grader Emma Barron of Clarkesville and third place was eighth-grader Rylee Vandiver of Mt. Airy. There was a tie for second place for the upper school card contest between senior Maggie Jackson of Clarkesville and junior Sophie Herrera of Mt. Airy.

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