A 16-year-old boy was critically injured Monday night when he fell from a moving vehicle in Clarkesville.
The accident happened around 6:50 p.m. in the gravel parking lot behind the Clarkesville Lanes bowling alley at Old Clarkesville Mill off Historic Highway U.S. 441. According to the Georgia State Patrol, the boy was standing on the side step of a 2002 Chevy Avalanche when he fell from the moving vehicle onto the gravel. There were four male passengers inside the vehicle.
Habersham EMS alerted Air Life in Baldwin. The medical chopper was preparing to transport the patient but officials say “due to circumstances” an ambulance instead transported the juvenile to Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville.
“We had assistance from the flight crew,” says Habersham County Emergency Services Director Chad Black, “but we transported to NGMC with the flight crew on our med unit.”
Black says initial reports indicated the boys may have been playing a game, standing on the sideboard of the moving vehicle.
The injured boy’s name has not been released. At last report, he was still in the intensive care unit at Northeast Georgia Medical Center.