Editor’s Note: Habersham County Manager Phil Sutton issued the following statement to Now Habersham regarding the county’s response to the coronavirus disease.
“Although Habersham County does not have any presumptive or confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are taking every reasonable action to slow or minimize the potential localized spread of this virus.
The pandemic COVID-19 outbreak has caused the County to take numerous actions to safeguard employees’ health and well-being, while ensuring the County’s ability to maintain essential operations and continue providing essential services to our citizens.
County employees are reporting to work as usual and are available by telephone and email. Certain field workers such as Paramedics/EMT’s, Firefighters, Sheriff’s Deputies, Road Maintenance staff, building inspectors, code enforcement officers, and animal control officers who perform duties outside of their assigned offices are limiting public contact and using protective equipment as necessary. Controlling access to workspaces and social distancing is being practiced by all County employees.
We encourage the public to use online resources, where available, for payments and other business during this time. Habersham County continues to take steps to provide an aggressive public safety response to the unprecedented COVID-19 situation to help stop the spread of the virus while ensuring essential government services continue to operate.”
Phil Sutton, County Manager Habersham County, GA