Support for Total Fitness

We are writing this letter in support of the Total Fitness Rehabilitation Program currently offered through the Habersham Medical Center, Demorest, Georgia.

My wife and I have been members of Total Fitness since 2009. It was in that year I ruptured 3 lumbar discs in my back. After attending very good physical therapy through Habersham Medical Center, I was transitioned to Total Fitness, at that time located at Piedmont College Gym, Demorest. My Neurosurgeon made it crystal clear to me I would have to continue with certain back exercises for the remainder of my life. To be honest, at the time, I didn’t put a whole lot of stock in physical therapy, but I can attest to the difference it has made for me and the need for me to continue long-term physical therapy, which is available for me through Total Fitness. My wife also attends Total Fitness. She joined in 2009 to support me, but since that time, she also has seen the benefits of exercise and weight loss.

We try to attend Total Fitness 4 times a week, it is conveniently open at 6:00 AM, and we try to get there at that time to work out, allowing us the rest of the day for our other activities. I turned 65 last year and Total Fitness supports the Silver Sneaker program.

We are asking for the Total Fitness Rehabilitation Program to also be supported by Northeast Georgia Medical Center, once the merger between the hospitals is completed this coming July.

We live in the northern most part of Habersham County and the current location makes our participation much easier. We enjoy the personal attention and comradery that is present with the other clients. The sense of community is very powerful.

John and Alison Anglin
Habersham County


The opinions expressed in this letter are those of the author. Now Habersham encourages readers to submit letters to share their opinions on issues of interest to our community. Click here for submission guidelines.

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