Editor’s Notes: Habersham County School Superintendent Matthew Cooper issued the following statement to Now Habersham on Monday, November 18, regarding the ongoing sexting investigation in the county school system.
“Last week, some of our high schools dealt with a situation where a pornographic video was being circulated among some students. Along with the video, a rumor was also circulating that a high school student appeared in the video. It was quickly determined that a student was not in the video. It was determined that the video actually came from an adult website. The Habersham County Sheriff’s Office assisted the school system in looking into the matter.
We will not be providing any details regarding specific schools involved, specific students who were questioned, nor any information regarding consequences that students may have received at school. The investigation is ongoing as it has not yet been determined who started circulating the video. No arrests have been made.
I would like to focus on the good job our schools are doing of being proactive on the issue. Habersham Central and the Ninth Grade Academy held assemblies today to address the dangers of sharing and receiving pornographic images and videos through social media apps or texting. The assemblies were led by school administrators and Habersham County Sheriff’s Office personnel. The school administrators reported that students were very attentive during the assemblies. Habersham Success Academy will hold their assembly tomorrow.
Our high schools wanted to be proactive on the issue much like they have been with other issues such as vaping. I commend our high school administrators for being proactive and for working to protect our students from the many dangers that are found through the internet and cell phone use. The circulation of and easy access to pornography is one of the terrible downsides of students having pervasive access to cell phones and social media apps such as Snapchat, Instagram, etc. We encourage parents to have conversations with their students about what students are sharing or receiving through texts or social media apps and to make their students aware of the dangers and consequences of such behaviors.”
READ Porn video prompts sexting investigation in Habersham County Schools