Editor’s Note: Habersham Central High School Principal Jonathan Stribling today released the following message to seniors on this, their last day of high school.
Dear Class of 2020,
As your senior year comes to a close, the situation is surreal. The school has been empty for weeks, graduation has been delayed, and many of the traditions that Habersham Central seniors have experienced in the past have either been lost all together, modified, or delayed in hopes of salvaging a senior year in late July. None of us are responsible for this situation. Yet, I feel compelled to say I am sorry. As a parent and your principal, I know part of this is painful.
However, the leadership, character and strength that distinguish the Class of 2020 will prevail. The truth is, your school career will not be defined by Covid-19. After you graduate – and you will graduate – you will become leaders in your academic and professional lives. I have unwavering faith in you.
You will always be a Raider, and be proud of that. No pandemic will change the fact that you will always be able to call Habersham Central home. Please visit often. I will always respect and admire the class of 2020.
In addition to being your principal, I am also the proud Dad of two beautiful, younger children. I am compelled to leave you with three quotes from Dr. Seuss. He does serve as somewhat of an inspirational leader in our house:
· On the conclusion of your high school experience: “Don’t cry because it is over. Smile because it happened.”
· On being passionate about all you do: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
· On following your dreams: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
Thank you class of 2020. You have left a mark on Habersham Central High School and you have left a mark on me. I look forward to multiple celebrations in late July, and know that I will do everything in my power to give you an authentic graduation experience July 31st. I deeply care about each one of you, wish you the very best of luck, and look forward to all that this class will accomplish in the future.
All the Best,
Jonathan H. Stribling
Principal, Habersham Central High School