My Story

Today’s “My Story” is a beautiful account of Christmas written by  Lori Pearson. 

Anyone who knows our BIG “yours, mine, and ours” family, knows how much my husband and I LOVE kids! This year we had two graduate from high school, one being my oldest. If that wasn’t emotional enough, in August he decided to move out. I fought him about it because I didn’t think he was ready. Now, 4 months later, I realize that I was the one who wasn’t ready. He is doing great! He is working full time and is part of the worship team at River Point Church, leading worship on occasion. He is planning to start school next month. I’m so proud!

This year as I pulled out all of my cherished Christmas decorations (all made by my children over the years), I came to my favorite one of my oldest, Kael. Tears started to flow as my heart pondered vividly the Christmas morning when I opened this gift that he had made for me at church weekday school.  I remember laughing at the pure preciousness of it! Oh, where did the time go? When did my baby become a man? What a strange wrenching twist of emotions my heart is experiencing.

And then I think of Mary….
Her baby boy is the reason I get to decorate a tree with years of memories made with construction paper and paint and held together with Elmer’s glue and a lot of love!

Her first born, the Son of God yet her baby boy!
Time doesn’t discriminate the path of a mother. 2000 years ago Mary loved and protected her baby boy. She was terrified when He “wandered off” and she couldn’t find him. She was angered from fear when she finally found him in the temple… and surely humbled when her child spoke truth in questioning why she was afraid. The Bible doesn’t give an account of Mary’s reaction when Jesus “left home.” After all, the Gospel isn’t about Mary. But I imagine from what we do know about Mary as a mother, it wasn’t easy for her either.

I have never lost a child. Oh, Mary! Not only did her Son die, she watched as He was beaten, mocked, tortured, and nailed to a cross! Her INNOCENT baby boy, hanging on display, struggling to breath, taking on the sins of the world… Her baby boy. Her Savior.

With His last breath, did her heart take her back to the moment of His first?

What does Christmas mean to me?
Over the years, I’ve realized that every Christmas means something different. This will be my 40th Christmas. Every single one was spent celebrating the birth of Christ and each year has had it’s own special meaning. This year is particularly special in that as a mother, I watch my first born leave the nest and I celebrate my last (and final) baby’s very first Christmas. This Christmas season I am drawn to the heart of Mary like never before. I will get through these emotional milestones with my children because of the love of a Heavenly Father, grace and mercy poured over me from my Savior, and the example of strength I see in Mary.

My mind cannot begin to wrap around the magnitude of her walk here on earth! We have the comfort of our Savior; but, her Savior was also her son! In a time when the Jewish people lived heavily under the law, I believe that Mary MUST have been the first to understand TRUE grace and mercy. How else would she have been able to survive being the mother of the Son of God and ALL that encompasses? It could only come from Abba Father! And three days after she lay her son’s body in a sealed tomb, the purpose of her life journey was revealed in the GLORY of His resurrection!

In NO way can I compare my journey with Mary’s! What I can do is catch a reflection here and there as I travel along and be reminded that I am never alone; and make it a point to take this Christmas’ meaning with me all year long.

And as a small example of God’s grace and mercy for mothers… My oldest informed me that he WILL be spending the night and waking up with us Christmas morning! The perfect Christmas gift for this mama!

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