White County must use the land for public good. Commission Chair calls the land gift “phenomenal.”
(Cleveland)- At the beginning of the White County Board of Commissioners meeting Monday, Chairman Travis Turner said, “Here lately it’s not normal for us to be able to open up a meeting with good news, we’ve got some good news.” Turner then announced that the State of Georgia has deeded the 1,000-acre Yonah Preserve property to the county.
On January 23rd, 2013 the county entered into a 50-year lease of the property, with the state. Since then county officials, in particular, Chairman Turner has been pushing the state to release the property to them. Turner said it has so much potential, only a small part of the 1,000 acres is build-able, because of the hilly terrain, so a majority will be used for trails and other nature activities.
“Because of that sheer size, we as a community must be diligent on how we use it, how we develop it and where we are going to go with it,” said Turner.
The state did attach one string to the deal, “The only caveat is we as White County use the property for the public good. You know we can’t sell it off, we’re not allowed to do anything like that, but it is officially White County’s now, which is phenomenal, “ said Turner.
Turner thanked Governor Deal and his staff for being very helpful in the process. He also acknowledged the help from our area representatives.
He said a big factor in the decision by the state was they recognized the efforts by the county and groups like SORBA (Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association) that have invested in the 1,000-acre project.
Photo: White County Commissioners Craig Bryant, Terry Goodger, Travis Turner, Lyn Holcomb and Edwin Nix displaying deed paperwork from the state. (wrwh.com)