More than 12,000 plastic eggs will soon cover a portion of Clarkesville as Bethlehem Baptist Church hosts its annual Spring Fling Egg-stravaganza on Saturday, March 19. A community-wide event, Spring Fling is an opportunity for families to enjoy time together.
Although this is the third year of the event, one big change is that all activities will take place on the campus of the church. Bethlehem is located on Highway 197 just north of Pitts Park.
Things get underway with a Fun Run for ages 10 and under and Senior Stroll at 9 a.m. A 5K follows at 9:30 a.m., beginning and ending at the church’s Heritage building, with a portion of the route following Alec Mountain Road. Runner registration begins at 8 a.m.
All registered Fun Run and Senior Stroll participants will receive a prize. The 5K will be an officially timed event, and runners can earn awards based on their age group and finish. All 5K participants registered by March 12 will receive a dri-fit runner’s t-shirt.
The free egg hunt will start at 11 a.m. and is open to children 0-11 years. Based on ages, participants will be assigned zones upon registering. Egg hunt registration begins at 10:30 a.m. A puppet show will immediately following the egg hunt. The festivities conclude with the awarding of prize eggs and a drawing for a $100 Visa gift card. Participants must be present to win.
The church’s newly renovated sanctuary will be open prior to the egg hunt. Advanced registration for the Fun Run, Senior Stroll and 5K is strongly encouraged. Registration forms are available at the church or can be completed online at www.active.com.
For more information about Spring Fling, contact the church at (706) 754-4870.