Special election canceled: Hudson wins school board seat unopposed

Retired Habersham County educator Darlene Hudson was the only candidate to qualify to run for school board in the November 5 special election to fill Kristie Dover's unexpired term. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

Former Habersham County administrator Darlene Hudson will serve the remainder of Kristie Dover’s term until December 2026.

Former Habersham County school administrator Darlene Hudson will remain on the county school board. Since no one qualified to run against her in the November special election, Hudson will be deemed to have voted for herself and the election has been canceled, according to a notice from the Habersham County Board of Elections.

Hudson will serve the remainder of Kristie Dover’s term which ends December 31, 2026.

Dover resigned from her District 4 Board of Education seat in February. In June, the Board appointed Hudson to fill the seat until the election.

The former school administrator was the only to qualify as a party candidate. Qualifying for write-in candidates ended Friday, August 16.

Hudson retired in May after 34 years as an educator. From 2005 to her retirement, she served as an administrator at six different schools in Habersham County.

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