Our words are powerful; so powerful, in fact, that we underestimate them. We hide behind the popular childhood phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” but we all have been on the receiving end of hurtful words. There are probably many of us that still carry around the sting from hurtful words spoken by others towards us. It is also possible to hurt others with our words. We can play off a potentially harmful situation by claiming, “I was only kidding,” but there is always some truth in the sarcasm and jokes. How can we practice self control when it comes to our tongues? How can we practice regard for others and speak life?
In James chapter 3, James compares the tongue to a bit in a horse’s mouth, a rudder on a large ship, and a forest fire. In each example, the tongue is compared to a small piece of equipment with great power and control. The rudder, for example, has the ability to steer the ship in any direction, and the bit in the horse’s mouth, the same. What great authority is given to arguably the smallest equipment in either scenario! Our tongues, James says, have the same authority. Our tongues can promote truth and speak life, or they can stir up anger, frustration, and turmoil. Our tongues, or our words, have the authority to dictate and even change the course of our lives, for better or for worse.
It seems simple: consider your words, practice wisdom when speaking to others, choose to speak life. We know from experience, however, that it’s not always that simple. Thankfully, we worship a God who offers forgiveness and mercy. As we have been given, let us freely give. Forgive those who have hurt you, and do not be afraid to humble yourself and ask for forgiveness for words spoken in anger or frustration. Let us be mindful of the power and authority of our words. Let us ask God for discernment and wisdom with our words. Finally, let us be transformed inwardly by the renewing of our minds through Christ Jesus. In time, and with great practice, we will see the fruit of these things, and we will speak life and truth in abundance!