Sound Off: NH readers share views on abortion

Should Roe v. Wade be overturned? That was the question we asked our readers after the draft Supreme Court decision was leaked to Politico in early May. Here’s what some Now Habersham readers had to say:

Brenda Hogsed:
Save the babies !

Andrew Maxwell Garrett:
Should be left to each state…

Joe Johnson:
And we don’t have enough room for the law breakers now! I think education is a better option than a ban simply because abortion will just go underground. Passing a law because it makes someone feel better about themselves are the same people that are shocked at it’s [sic] enforcement and consequences. Poor people suffer greatly while women that have greater resources will simply go to a State that allows it. So before people jump on me I am not pro abortion and I am not anti abortion. Putting everyone in one or the other categories is short sighted.

Shane Jones:
Nope. What a woman does with her body is no one’s business.

Beverly Mills:
No – needs no explanation.

Terry T Moore:
Should be up to states

Nina G. Rowland:
The issue isn’t about taking away the right to abortion. Roe v. Wade took away American citizens right to vote. All this overturn is going to do is give Americans back the right to vote on the issue of abortion. It puts the issue back into the hands of the States so each state can put it on the ballet [sic] so we the people can vote on the issue of abortion.

Bobbe Fireweed Seibert:
If men got pregnant, we would not be having this discussion.

Wayne Whittle:
If you & I had been aborted…we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Read more responses and replies on Now Habersham’s Facebook page.