5 people and an organist

Several weeks ago, I met with a group of women – life changers, movers, shakers, Kingdom minded, and going somewhere. Listening to these women and the mountains they’ve overcome, the influences they have, and the strength they have to impact people moved me. It also made me take a hard look at my own life.

What was I doing?

We were to introduce ourselves. One of the women at my table worked diligently to end sex trafficking. She’d just returned from Thailand. Another rehabilitated drug addicts. A lady in the far corner started a foundation for the street children of Haiti.

Me? “Well…”

I stood speechless.

I thought about the disciples. There were 12 specific disciples in Jesus’ inner circle. He hand picked them: Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas. Of this list, who do we know? Matthew, Peter, and John wrote books in the Bible. We know Thomas – the doubter and he was a twin. Andrew brought Peter to Jesus. Philip is known for bringing Nathanial to Jesus. James, the fishing partner of Peter, was the first disciple to be martyred. The other James we only know as Alphaeus’ son. We all know Judas. Bartholomew, Simon, and Thaddeus are only named in a list.

And yet, they were so much more. All instrumental in the deliverance of the Word of God. They were the evangelists – they spread Christianity to all parts of the world.

As I was leaving the parking, one of the speakers of the event had parked beside me. Her car wouldn’t start, help was on the way, but she needed to be at another event in less than an hour. Could I help her?

I felt excited simply to be asked. Of course I could!

She told me how her ministry started. She had always wanted to be a speaker. She’d imagined standing before a stadium of people and preaching the Word of God. One Sunday she was asked to speak at a newly formed church. The week before she had studied, prayed, and written the best of all possible sermons. Never had she been more prepared for anything. Never had she been more excited.

When she arrived at the church, there were no cars, only a truck in the back. At first she thought she’d gotten the time and day wrong. After confirming with the few people waiting in the sanctuary, the reality sunk in.

“I’m preaching to 5 people and an organist.”

Excusing herself, she went outside to gather composure. “Really, God? I prepared for this!”

But in her spirit, she felt God urging her. “If you can’t preach to 5 people and an organist, how can I trust you to preach to thousands.”

Sometimes what seems small to us, is exactly what God wants us to do. With God, all assignments are big because His measuring stick is entirely different from ours.

Every person who is impacted by a loving hand, is important to God. Whatever He has asked you to do, do it for His glory.

You never know how He’ll use it.