Social media threat made during Raider Game not viable

(Jerry Neace/

Director of Safety/Chief of Police Murray Kogod, along with the Habersham County School administrators want to let the community know the seriousness of social media threats. Tonight one such threat was made during the football game.

While attending the football game at Raider Stadium, a juvenile posted a picture of another juvenile attending the game. The caption was written, “Hey, this kid threatened to shoot up the school.”

The post was seen by a high school student who immediately reported it to an administrator. The administrator met up with the school police at the game, located the juvenile who created the post, and immediately secured him.

School officials confirmed that there was no viable threat to anyone attending the game or to any school and that the juvenile would be charged.

“Students who choose to use social media to invoke fear will be dealt with swiftly and with intention,” said Kogod. “The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating every social media post like this one and charging accordingly.”

Kogod said that the Habersham Schools Police Department is following suit and will take this same firm stance in every instance.


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