Slice of History project now complete

Clarkesville BSA Troop No. 5 member Joseph McGahee led the research and development for an Eagle Scout project featuring a hemlock tree slice on display at the Old Clarkesville Cemetery. Shown, from left, are HCCP, Inc. Board Member Brooks Garcia and McGahee. (E. Lane Gresham/HCCP, Inc.)

Arrows now point to milestones on the history timeline for Clarkesville and the United States.

Clarkesville Boy Scout Troop No. 5 member Joseph McGahee, a Tallulah Falls School freshman, led the research and development for an Eagle Scout project featuring a hemlock tree slice on display at the Old Clarkesville Cemetery.

The Slice of History exhibit is complete, with a series of metal arrows connecting the rings to essential dates on a history timeline.

The events, spanning 158-159 years, are listed on easy-to-read placards.

This “slice of history” uses the rings of a Hemlock tree as a historical timeline of important local and national events. (E. Lane Gresham/HCCP, Inc.)

Also included for visitors to the cemetery is information about the tree species. Hemlocks are native to Northeast Georgia; the circa 1831 cemetery trees are thought to be botanical grave markers.

Historic Clarkesville Cemetery Preservation, Inc. board member Brooks Garcia and local craftsman Buz Stone helped McGahee plan and execute the project.

Members of Troop No. 5 and scout leaders were also instrumental throughout the process. Donations from local businesses and individuals were also key to the success of the project.
Garcia signed off on the project on behalf of HCCP, Inc. on Feb. 6.