‘Shop with a Hero’ fundraising challenge on in Banks County

Banks County Sheriff Carlton Speed shows School Resource Officer Josh White the suit he'll be wearing if the community rises to the challenge and raises at least another $1,000 to help underprivileged children this Christmas.

Banks County Sheriff Carlton Speed shows School Resource Officer Josh White the “uniform” he’ll be wearing if the community meets the challenge to raise another $1,000 to help underprivileged children this Christmas.

Remember the pink bunny pajamas from the now classic holiday film A Christmas Story? Well that’s what’s waiting for one local school resource officer if the community rallies to help local kids in need this Christmas.

The Banks County Sheriff’s Office has issued a challenge to the community to raise $1,000 to support an additional five children for its annual ‘Shop with a Hero’ program this year. IF the community meets that challenge, Banks County School Resource Officer Josh White will be jumping for joy – in a pair of pink bunny pajamas!

According to Sheriff’s Lt. Carissa McFadden, Officer White will don the fuzzy PJs on the day before Christmas break and complete his daily duties in the suit, including directing school traffic and visiting all Banks County schools.

The ‘Shop with a Hero’ program has become a Banks County tradition that allows local underprivileged elementary school children to spend the day eating and Christmas shopping with local law enforcement, fire/EMS, and military heroes. In Banks County, there are typically 20 students who are sponsored through donations by the communities and local businesses.

Children are chosen to participate in the program by their school guidance counselors.

“The day starts very early when a good breakfast is shared with our public safety officers and the participating children. After breakfast, the kids head off with their paired hero and set off to fulfill their Christmas wish list,” explains Banks County Sheriff Carlton Speed. “It is an absolutely wonderful event where all parties involved are truly blessed!”

It costs $200 to sponsor a child and no donation is too small.

The deadline for donations is December 19th. Cash and checks are accepted and may be dropped at the Banks County Sheriff’s Office or at any Banks County school. Make sure to mark all donations and make checks payable to the BCSO Shop with a Hero/Jr. Deputy Program.

You may also mail in your donations to the Banks County Sheriff’s Office at 160 Windmill Farm Road, Homer, GA 30547.