Mt. Airy’s Seventh Street bridge will close later this month for repairs and is scheduled to reopen in mid-December.
Beginning Monday, Nov. 22, Norfolk Southern Railroad and the Town of Mt. Airy will close the bridge to install new decking.
According to Georgia Department of Transportation records, the bridge was built in 1947 and was last repaired in 1992. Mt. Airy Town Manager and Police Chief Tim Jarrell tells Now Habersham that the bridge is owned by Norfolk Southern, and they will be paying for the bridge’s repairs, not the city.
The bridge’s surface is uneven and needs to be repaired. Construction on the bridge will replace the bridge’s “substandard” boards to bring the bridge up to better quality.
The bridge is expected to remain closed until around Dec. 13, 2021.
“We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our citizens, but these repairs are much needed,” Jarrell said.