
Are you worn out? Do you feel like you’re at the end of your proverbial rope? Caregivers feel this way too often. Our commitment to the health and safety of our charges can be exhausting.

Kathryn and I discuss this occasionally. Without the things I do for self-care, it would be beyond my strength to care for her. Maybe this article will give some ideas for your own sanity-savers.

Prayer and Bible study: quiet time at the beginning or end of the day. Grab a devotional or even an empty notepad and write down your petitions or praises. This is the number one way to self-care. For a believer, this is essential.

Spoil yourself: find something that’s just for you. I have regular pedicures and manicures. (Shout-out to Tida Nails – they’re great!) Every three to four weeks, I have a couple of hours to be pampered. Not only is it good for my psyche, but it’s also healthy for me.

Eat well: as best you can. Often I just grab a bowl of cereal with raisins and nuts for dinner. I do try to grab healthy snacks as much as possible. This is the hardest of the self-care items for me. Preparing a healthy meal is usually the last thing on my list.

Laugh: as often and as loudly as possible. Movies, Tic-toc videos, children, and even a few wonderful adults make us laugh out loud.

Sleep: regular bedtimes and times to arise. I’m a good sleeper and grateful for it. I know too many people who struggle with wakefulness during the night.

Physical touch: hugs and kisses and even holding hands. We are social creatures and need to connect.

Hobbies: an activity that feeds your soul. I love to paint, garden, and make music. I can disappear into those activities and the hours fly by.

These suggestions are just a launching point for you. I’d love to hear what you do for self-care. Let me hear from you! Contact me at [email protected].

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