Secy. of State launches new website for voter registration cancellation

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (Ross Williams/Georgia Recorder)

On Monday, the Georgia Secretary of State’s office launched a new way for Georgia voters to update voter registration rolls. A new website allows voters to log in with personal details and cancel their voter registration.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said in a statement that the online process makes it easier to ensure voter rolls are accurate.

“This is a convenient tool for any voter who wants to secure their voter registration by canceling their old one when they move out of state,” said Raffensperger. “It will also help keep Georgia’s voter registration database up-to-date without having to rely on postcards being sent and returned by an increasingly inefficient postal system.”

Voters who wish to cancel their registration will access the site, enter their secret personal identifying information (such as driver’s license/state ID # or Full/Partial SSN), and indicate that they wish to be removed from the list of registered voters.

Once a voter submits their information to the Georgia Voter Registration Cancellation Portal, it sends the request for cancellation to the county registrar to remove the voters’ names from the rolls.

The current process for removing inactive voters involves mailing a postcard to the voter’s address, warning them that their registration will be canceled. Raffensperger also said that the process avoids using mail service, which he says has become increasingly unreliable.

The Georgia Senate Democrats are calling for the page to be removed, saying conspiracy theorists could use it to remove voters.

GPB News contributed to the report

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