A ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled July 26 for phase two of the Appalachian Parkway in White County. (photo/wrwh.com)
It’s been twenty months since White County’s first four lane road opened to traffic. Now, that road’s about to get longer.
Phase two of the Appalachian Parkway is nearing completion. The 2.2 mile stretch of road will connect GA 115 to GA 11/US 129 across from Hulsey Road north of Cleveland.
A Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, July 26, at 10 a.m., according to Georgia Department of Transportation District One spokesperson Katie Strickland. Speakers will include Senator Steve Gooch, White County Board of Commissioners Chairman, Travis Turner and Georiga DOT District One District Engineer, Brent Cook, P.E.
The ceremony will be held at the intersection of Highway 115 and the end of phase 1 of the Appalachian Parkway. Following the ceremony, White County Sheriff Neal will lead a procession of automobiles through the Appalachian Parkway.
With this parkway extension, motorists can now bypass the City of Cleveland. That should help ease traffic congestion, especially during the summer and fall tourist seasons as travelers head into the Bavarian-themed village of Helen and the mountains in Towns and Union Counties.