A Habersham Central High School senior suffered minor injuries in a wreck early this morning in Habersham, less than 24 hours after a classmate was critically injured in a wreck in Hall County.

It happened shortly before 8am on South Camp Creek Road, about a mile from Habersham Central. Lt. Tonya Elrod with the Habersham County Sheriff’s Office says 18-year old Courtney Banks told her mom that a deer ran out in front of her. Banks apparently swerved to miss the deer and flipped her truck into a ditch. “She was in stable condition. She was talking…just real scared and shook up,” Elrod says.

Fellow classmate and friend, Courtney Veach was on her way to school when she drove up on the wreck. “I was coming down the road and I saw Courtney’s truck turned over and she was on top of it screaming, ‘I want my mom.'” Veach left to get Banks’ mother and siblings as emergency personnel arrived on the scene.
Banks was transported to Habersham Medical Center by ambulance.
The Georgia State Patrol is investigating the accident.