Cornelia and Level Grove Elementary Schools in Habersham County are celebrating a major achievement. Both were recently named Title I Reward Schools for High Progress.
They received the award from the Georgia Department of Education for being in the top 10% of Title I schools in the state that made the most progress in improving overall student performance on statewide assessments over the past three years from 2011-2013.
Cornelia Elementary School Principal, Dr. Renee Pryor, says the school has planned a “huge fiesta” to celebrate on Friday, October 3. The celebration will be held in the Cornelia Elementary School parking lot from 6-8 p.m. The school is located at 375 Old Cleveland Road in Cornelia. Pryor says, “We want our parents and community to know how much we appreciate their support.” The public is invited to attend.
Habersham is one of only three school systems in the 15-system Pioneer Regional Educational Service Area (RESA) to have schools on the Reward List for High Progress. There are seven total High Progress schools in the Pioneer RESA. The other schools are located in the Hall County and Gainesville City school systems.