Parents are meeting this week with administrators to discuss changes in school attendance zones at five of Habersham County’s eight elementary schools.
School superintendent Matthew Cooper says the board of education discussed the changes during a recent work session. He says the changes do not constitute what is typically considered “redistricting” but rather are “minor adjustments.”
Safety, overcrowding, and low enrollment cited as concerns
In a public notice posted to the school system’s website, school officials outlined their reasons for making the adjustments. They cite school overcrowding and student bus safety among their concerns.
“Cornelia Elementary School currently has more than 600 students,” says Supt. Cooper. “This is the school where overcrowding is being addressed under the current plan.”
In addition, the move is an attempt boost student enrollment at two of the county’s elementary schools.
“The Habersham County School System has demonstrated a commitment to keeping Hazel Grove and Woodville Elementary Schools open,” the notice states. “To justify keeping these schools open, the enrollment at these schools must be increased.”
Cooper says the current plan will increase enrollment at Hazel Grove by 65 students and the enrollment at Woodville by 36 students.
Both schools are currently undergoing multi-million dollar renovations. The renovations include new kitchens, cafeterias, and additional classrooms.
Affected schools
The changes will impact 210 students which is approximately three percent of the school system’s total student population. Affected schools include Cornelia, Demorest, Hazel Grove, and Woodville Elementary. The changes will impact four students at Clarkesville Elementary.
Baldwin, Level Grove, and Fairview Elementary Schools are “not affected in any way,” according to school officials. Habersham County ‘s middle schools and high school also are not impacted by the adjustments.
“At this point, if a parent has not been contacted by their school, then they are likely not affected by the changes,” the notice states.
Elementary school principals are meeting this week with parents whose children are affected by the changes. In addition, Demorest, Hazel Grove, and Woodville will hold open houses at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 19, for those who are impacted.
Parents with questions related to the changes are encouraged to contact their school’s principal for more information.
The changes are scheduled to take effect at the start of the next school year in August 2018.