Salons donate free haircuts to local school children

Pictured, left to right: Dusti Casey, owner of Renown Artistry; Caitlin Jarrell, stylist; Grayce Grizzle, assistant; Rob Moffett, Habersham Schools Counselor Coordinator; Lauren Fair, counselor at Clarkesville Elementary School; Donna Barrett, Habersham County Family Connection Executive Director; Madison Parks, stylist Not pictured: Cassie Cheek, stylist.

Nearly 200 Habersham County school students will benefit from the generosity of ten local salons. The businesses donated vouchers for free haircuts. These vouchers will be made available in the county’s 14 public schools to students who need them.

Habersham County Family Connection and Revive Church in Cornelia helped spearhead the effort. Participating hair salons include Renown Artistry, Nash & Co, Hollywood Hair Works, Four Seasons Styling Salon, Image Emporium, The Lounge Barbershop Salon & Spa, Salon Virago, Grateful Head Salon, and Shear Perfection Salon.

Habersham County Family Connection Executive Director Donna Barrett says the outreach started when Revive Church was planning their Back to School Bash.

“I asked them if they would be able to offer haircuts,” she explains. “This need was brought to my attention by one of my Family Connection Board Members who knew of a grandmother raising her three grandchildren and the financial struggle to get haircuts.”

In response to Barrett’s request, Dusti Casey, a member at Revive Church and owner of Renown Artistry hair salon, contacted area salons asking for help. The salons donated a combined total of 190 vouchers.

“I was totally amazed at the generosity by the number of haircut vouchers donated for this cause,” says Barrett.

The vouchers will be distributed throughout Habersham County’s public schools -elementary grades through high school. Parents may contact the counselor at their child’s school for a haircut voucher.

The first day of school in Habersham County this year is Friday, August 5.

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