Nearly 2,000 yellow rubber ducks will be dumped into the Soque River this Friday at Pitts Park in Clarkesville. The annual race raises money for literacy programs in Habersham County. (Photo by Jeff Miller).
Final preparations are underway for the 7th Annual Rubber Duck Race sponsored by Volunteers for Literacy (VFL) of Habersham County.
The race, originally scheduled during the Mountain Laurel Festival in May, was postponed due to safety concerns. Heavy rains caused the Soque River to rise and organizers felt it was too dangerous for volunteers to be in the river.
Water levels have since receded and the ducks are ready to “swim” the quarter-mile course to the finish line.
The race is scheduled for 6 p.m. Friday, July 20 at Pitts Park in Clarkesville. It’s being held in conjunction with this year’s Red, White & Tunes concert and fireworks in the park.
The first duck to cross the finish line wins $1000. Second place is $500 and third is $250.
Duck race tickets are still on sale. They’re $5 apiece or 5 for $20. They can be purchased at Pitts Park on the day of the race until 5:45 p.m.
All proceeds benefit programs that promote and foster literacy in Habersham County.