As children, we were often fascinated by snow. The search for the ever-evading snow day kept us excited through the cold winter season, and at times we drove our teachers insane as we asked incessantly in our grade school years if we would have school the next day. By adulthood, many of us grew out of the fascination with snow.
Some of us didn’t.
On any given winter day, you can find me constantly analyzing weather models searching for the next snow chance. When the chance comes, you’ll find me out on the roads enjoying the falling snow. Whether it is a stout gulf low dropping heavy snow across the region, or a “northwest flow” event dropping snow only across the higher elevations, you can bet I’ll be there touting my camera and basking in the freezing weather.
I honestly can’t say why I enjoy the snow so much. It may be because I hate hot weather, or because it lays so beautifully covering up all the starkness of bare winter ground. Whatever the reason, my passion for hunting snows clashed with my growing passion for photography in a big way this past winter, and it led me to some of the most beautiful surroundings I’ve ever seen.
The photos below were captured during the past winter, and represent my favorite of several thousand total shots. With Spring’s arrival, I thought it would be fitting to take a look back on the snow-covered hills of the past six months. I was fortunate to see snow fall at least once per month from October to March, marking a personal record of six straight months though it took driving to the higher elevations to pull this off. I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed taking them. As I have told others, it’s worth every degree below freezing it takes to capture these stunning scenes.
Northeast Georgia Winter 2015
Click photos to enlarge and scroll through gallery
Enjoy the spring weather we have coming, and I’ll be back with another hike later this week.
See you on the road!~TW