It’s January 1, 2023, a new year. A new year brings new opportunities. Every year I make a “resolution” of sorts. A resolution to see something new, whether a new trail, new state, or just the same places I’ve been in new weather.
Every year the Georgia State Park system holds a number of “first day” hikes for the first day of the year. If you have no plans for today I suggest you head out on one. You can find a full list of available hikes HERE.
I have always been a person to encourage others to get outside. It doesn’t matter if it is a short walk around the city park or a grueling 15 mile trek up and down mountains, getting outside has been shown to be great for the body and soul. Who knows, you might even find red gold hanging in the sky…
or make a new friend that teaches you just to relax and smell the azaleas…
or catch a river running as angry as ever…
or you may find a promise come to life before your eyes…
or perhaps even TWO of them!
Or maybe you will catch the changing of seasons…
or catch a falling star.
Whatever you do in 2023, I hope it brings you joy and happiness unlike anything seen before. Have a wonderful New Year, and perhaps I’ll see you on the trail…..