A mix of wintry precipitation fell in Clarkesville and across northern Georgia on Thursday.
After a day of wintry weather, North Georgians awoke to a lovely day and good driving conditions on Friday. While there were a few patches of black ice reported on some secondary roads in rural areas, no one reported any serious problems.
Runoff from Thursday’s rain and snow, coupled with overnight temperatures in the teens and 20s, led to widespread concerns about icy road conditions. Administrators closed schools in sixteen North Georgia counties in anticipation of icy roads. At least seven other county school systems operated on a two-hour delay.
The Georgia Department of Transportation sent out crews Thursday to prep and monitor roads for ice. As of 7 a.m. on Feb. 21, GDOT Northeast District spokesperson Katie Strickland reported that “the sun is out and the ice non-existent.”
Other area officials confirmed that. Commanders at the Georgia State Patrol posts in Toccoa and Gainesville reported normal road conditions in the counties they serve, including Banks, Habersham, Hall, Rabun, Stephens, and White counties.
Sharon Roach with the Habersham County Road Department says she monitored the phones overnight and no one phoned in to report any trouble spots.
This weekend forecasters say the weather will be dry, but look for more rain to come into the area early next week.
Updated 2/21/20@6:30pm