Reception for Japanese artist Jan. 22

Demorest, GA – The Piedmont College Mason-Scharfenstein Museum of Art will host a reception for Ohi Toshio, one of the Japanese ceramics artists whose work is featured in a current show at the Demorest museum.
The reception and gallery talk by Ohi will be held from 5–7 p.m., Jan. 22. The event is free and everyone is invited.

The world-traveling exhibit of Japanese studio ceramics is ending a two-month stay at the museum and will be on display through Jan. 31. The museum is located at 567 Georgia Street, Demorest, and hours are 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. For more information, contact MSMA director Daniel White at 706-894-4201.

Ohi Toshio inherited an artistic tradition that dates back to 1666, when the first Ohi potter began crafting ceramic works for the tea ceremony. Ohi is the eleventh generation of this historic lineage. A native of Kanazawa, he earned a master’s degree in fine art from Boston University and has taught and lectured around the world.

The show is titled “Japanese Pottery: The Rising Generations from Traditional Japanese Kilns” and features 70 pieces from the collection of the Japan Foundation, representing more than 30 of the top ceramic artists of Japan.

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