Reactions to the safe return of Maria Gomez Perez

From his home in Gainesville, GA, Andres Gomez Alonso expressed his gratitude to the community for all the support in locating Maria. Also included in the photo is Norma Hernandez and Art Gallegos (Jerry Neace/Now Habersham)

“When I see her I am going to just hug her,” Andres Gomez Alonso said from the front porch of his home where his daughter Maria Gomez Perez disappeared on May 29. “I didn’t believe I would see reporters in my yard again. I didn’t believe this day would ever come.”

Alonso is still trying to grasp the reality that his daughter has been located and is on her way home. The nightmare he and his family have endured is finally over. After eight weeks, a male suspect, identified as 34-year-old Antonio Agustin, is in custody in the Tuscarawas County Jail in connection with Maria’s disappearance. He drove to Gainesville from Dover, Ohio to pick Maria up at her residence on West Side Drive. The two had been conversing through Facebook Messenger for quite some time. Maria had indicated to him that she wanted to leave her home.

“I am so grateful to God and to the sheriff’s office and all the community for all that they have done to help find Maria,” Alonso expressed. “The reward money that people gave to help find her made a difference and I am thankful.”

Relief and peace are the emotions Alonso feels as he waits for his daughter to be transported back. Many unanswered questions will take time to sort through but for now, he is joyful and grateful for the news she has been found and is safe.

Those close to the family are rejoicing. Art Gallegos, Jr. who has been involved in the search for Maria from the onset told Now Habersham, “Last night I couldn’t sleep. It was so amazing. Sometimes you get a negative result and to hear that she is safe and alive and she is coming to Gainesville to be reunited with her father, what can I say? It is a good Friday!”

Norma Hernandez of Gainesville who has been instrumental in getting the word out of Maria’s disappearance said, “We are so happy. We are rejoicing with this wonderful news.”

On Facebook, people throughout the community have been reaching out with congratulatory comments and joy that Maria has been found. There are also questions about the legal status of Antonio Agustin, who was arrested in Ohio. Many stressed the importance of knowing what your children are doing on the internet and with whom they are messaging.

“Praise The Lord!!! I’m so thankful for the work of law enforcement.”

“Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers. I’m so overjoyed she has been found safe. I know her family can’t wait to get her back.”

“Hmm…she is not happy at her home…she doesn’t want to return back home. No telling what this girl is going through at home living with her daddy and plus in Ohio. Hope she gets the help she needs. My prayers are with the lil girl.”

“Have a conversation with your kids about grooming on the internet!!!!!”

Now Habersham’s Jerry Neace contributed to this article